Sunday, November 21, 2010

The Joy of KitKats

I've always loved KitKat. Not just because it's got my name in it, but because the mixture of chocolate and wafers is just delicious. Then when I found out they made different flavors, my love for KitKat grew even more. Most of the different flavors seem to come from Japan. Here are the latest flavors that I've been lucky enough to try: Wasabi & Miso flavored KitKat.

The wasabi one was pretty interesting, but I really love it. At first, the wasabi flavor really hit me, and I was just waiting for it to get hot, but it never did. It's like being able to enjoy lots of wasabi without feeling the pain. It almost tasted like it had a hint of mint too.

When I tried the miso flavored KitKat, I actually couldn't taste much of the miso. Nevertheless, it was still good to me. My husband could taste a lot of the miso. Maybe my taste buds were off that day...

Can't wait to get my hands on more.

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